Voting is Connecting

Voting is Connecting

What. A. Privilege. The sky is blue, crisp; the air…whiffs of bacon…in downtown Boulder. I entered the courthouse to vote this morning. After ID’ing myself, I got a ballot in my hands.

Finally, I get to say my piece in this election. In a swing state, no less. The significance of the moment overwhelms and excites me. I, an immigrant, a “naturalized” US citizen, a woman of color, have a ballot.

Many had fought for this right to vote. I include my parents, who moved to this country with little and secured a life here. I lived in Lexington, MA, where revolutionaries died for freedom and birthing of America. I think of the Suffrage Movement -I’ve inherited the feminist tradition as an alumna of a women’s college. I think of Martin Luther King, Jr’s words and sacrifices of those who stood up in the Civil Rights Movement.

In a squarish voting booth I fill in my choices.  Each mark on the ballot represents my intention, my stake in the collective consciousness. In this time in history. I have done the research and soul searching. I now make my voice heard. I vote. I connect to the rest of the country.

Connect to yourself and others. Get the sticker.

How are we going to move forward post-Sandy, with a week left to sift through shady truths, biases, and ideology? The last to leave Pandora’s Box is hope. I hold dear to this, that after all the crap takes place, there is opportunity. We must act.

Be proactive; act with intention -it is how I live. My natal chart reveals a strong need to act upon a will. I am a Triple Fire.

What is your Truth? Take a moment in your busy life to connect to your values and your truths. Vote. Speak up, be counted -this is your self-care. Your energy in this grid matters and we all need the connection.

What the teachers say about spirituality and activism:

“People on a spiritual path – personal growth, spiritual practice, recovery, yoga and so forth – are the last people who should be sitting out the great social and political questions of our day.” –Marianne Williamson

“Sacred Activism is a transforming force of compassion-in-action that is born of a fusion of deep spiritual knowledge, courage, love, and passion, with wise radical action in the world.” –Andrew Harvey



8 Responses

  1. I voted with a mail ballot, but hand delivered it. It’s interesting being in a swing state. Lots of crazy energy being floated around. The thrill of voting has never changed for me.

    • Sue Wang says:

      I’ve always appreciated casting a ballot, but this election is intense. In a swing state (first time for me) the significance of voting is huge. Thrilling indeed. And humbling.

  2. Shoney Sien says:

    Beautiful. I hope you will publish this in wider distribution. Thank you for writing this.

  3. Gail Storey says:

    What a great service you do, Sue, by reminding of us all the ways our right to vote has been won. And what an opportunity our voting is to benefit collective consciousness, the welfare of all beings, and the future of our planet. Thank you. I voted as soon as I got my mail-in ballot in my hands!

    • Sue Wang says:

      Oh thank you, Gail. The goodwill we bring to this process will lift each other and this nation. We claim our voice, our right to be counted. It make voting almost…magical.

  4. Beautifully written Sue. Yes, our values are important. And, it is our job to give them dignity through our actions.

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