Allow, Surrender, and Boundaries: Pisces

Allow, Surrender, and Boundaries: Pisces

body of water during dawn

Today is the second time that we bowed out of a bidding war for a house. It is the story of years 2020+ in America. Working from home is plausible and many want a lovely place to live and work. Make sense and it’s a feeding frenzy, putting to test my faith in the universe and my wobbly ‘allowing’ way of being.

Having grown up in a household with parents who survived WW2 in Asia as children, anxiety was the default state for my family. Not enough of anything can spark depression, anger, judgment, shaming… It went against my natural optimistic Self but I had to collude to be okay. It took me years to undo this. But when I get stressed, my wounded inner child still shows up. The victim is here.

Enters Pisces energy. On February 18, 2022, the sun had moved into this idealistic, all-inclusive water sign. It is intuitive, spiritual, and boundary blurring. Ruled by King Neptune, Pisces is receptive, it gets flooded with feelings, impressions, a sense of escape, of being overcome by Something Greater. It is the last sign of the zodiac. (Yay, I’ve written about all 12 signs now!)

If Aries, the first zodiac sign, represents the ego, by the time we get to Pisces we are at the dissolution of the ego. The energy now supports and teaches surrendering, letting go, and having faith.

In our house hunting scenario, the broker advised to bid many thousands above asking. I had a Pisces shadow moment: I felt lost and mistreated by the housing market. It triggered my childhood angst of never having a stable home.

But really, Sue, no one is mistreating you except yourself.

I’m super blessed. For now we have a spot in a quaint town with meandering trails among hills and trees, with a view of the Rockies. We lucked into this rental by sheer chance — it was available the day we suddenly decided to look.

Know what you want so you will recognize it when it comes.

This is allowing: I did ask the universe for a place just like where I live now, months before it manifested. Knowing that magic can happen helped me disengage from the bidding war. We had left the rat race in 2009 and consciously created a life that is resonant. There were growing pains along the way, and we are stronger for it.

After the broker laid out the data and reasons why the market will only get worse, logically I was persuaded to give up all bargaining power as a home buyer and offer more money.

BUT, I felt a resistance in my heart. Intuitively it was a no. Hubby and I agree we wouldn’t compete at all cost. Bring in the Pisces energy, let go and have faith. Practicing Reiki also taught me this: the more I relax, the more energy I receive and give.

I am proud that we told the broker we were willing to pay a bit over asking for the house but not partaking in an auction. Setting boundaries is advocating for our needs. This oddly feels like a new experience for me. As a kid, my personal needs were not considered (neither were my parents’); I had no role model or vocabulary to set boundaries calmly. I didn’t know it was okay to say no.

Hence, the Pisces energy — to drop the hot potato when it looks like others are passing it around, to not perpetuate the pattern, to transcend ‘what is’ to a higher good. We all have this energy within — use it.

Through my THRIVE framework:

T: Tao, what mindset/habit takes away your energy (i.e. resistance drains)?

H: Harmony, how can you use your strength to transcend your weaknesses?

R: Renewal, what do you need to release in order to have peace?

I: Initiative, what action will you take to surrender your part in a joyless dynamic?

V: Vision, what would it feel like when you forgive yourself in something that didn’t work out?

E: Evolution, what are you willing to learn in order to help transmute the angst in the world? (Big ask, I know.)


Opinions needed: Would love to hear from you – please reply to this email.

  1. Do you enjoy these posts on the astrological times? Would you like to see other topics in my posts? If so, what are they?
  2. I plan to write more about the THRIVE framework. What format feels good to you, my peeps? A workbook with space to answer empowering questions, or a full length book with stories/examples?

THRIVE Hour: Sunday, March 6, 1pm ET/11am MT Staying Whole by Setting Boundaries Why does setting boundaries feel scary? How can we practice good self-care? Let’s translate your needs into boundary statements so you can begin to keep your energy for yourself and thrive.

Remember your goodness and have faith. In yourself, in the universe. Let’s ground each other in this journey.

Sending love,
