Tag: saboteurs

fireworks during nighttime

Remember Our Goodness: New Year & Capricorn

Happy 2023! We are well into Capricorn season, where systems, long term vision, and mastery are themes – in time for discerning, choosing our dreams and goals for the new year. Not so fast, though. I invite you to see 2023 through a very specific lens. If you are still transitioning from the holidays and…
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Positive Self-Talk and Abundance

If you knew how to speak love, how would you speak it to yourself? What do you tell yourself when you wake up in the morning? Are you happy to see you in the bathroom mirror? I ask myself too. Nowadays yes, I enjoy seeing me and my smile, “Good job partying it up!” The…
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Redefine Hard Work: Virgo

I didn’t mean to turn into a pumpkin at midnight, like Cinderella’s coach — but I did. I was all psyched to create programs and groups after getting the coaching certifications, then poof, I was Sue the menopausal person chumping on carbs while watching reruns into wee hours of the night. I had this post…
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Optimize the Monkey Mind: Gemini

Have you ever come up with to-do lists in bed? Many of us have hung out unwillingly with the Monkey Mind, the Buddhist term for unsettled, restless inner chatter. Often we just want to plan ahead or figure something out so we can proceed. Somehow overwhelm sails in as if the monkeys multiplied. How can…
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