Redefine Hard Work: Virgo

Redefine Hard Work: Virgo

I didn’t mean to turn into a pumpkin at midnight, like Cinderella’s coach — but I did. I was all psyched to create programs and groups after getting the coaching certifications, then poof, I was Sue the menopausal person chumping on carbs while watching reruns into wee hours of the night. I had this post to write days ago. I wanted to tell you all about the industrious virtues of Virgo and to ride its energy from August 22 to September 22.

Instead, I ‘slacked’ off. I did not do what I said I’d do. I gingerly ignored the inner critic who cracked the whip about not being on time. My saboteur, the Stickler, resonated with the shadow side of Virgo energy. Of the earth element, Virgo signifies late summer, where we harvest and sort the fruits of what was sowed in the spring. Virgo’s detail-orientation and laser focus, paired with flexibility and problem solving, bless this archetype with efficiency and operational excellence. From this perspective, not adhering to the schedule was a problem.

The Stickler got me anxious and I sat with that. I toyed with the thought, what if I derailed from my track?

Instead of writing this post, I cleaned, sorted closets, researched ways to reduce Electronic Magnetic Fields (EMF) in my surroundings, and blocked blue light from electronics from my eyes. These too were Virgo tasks: organization and wellness (optimizing the body as a system). Some might call it procrastination, but it felt like it served a purpose. I was composting the last 4 moves, 3 jobs, and relaunching a practice. I’ve walked everyday along emerald trees in the hills, noting birdsongs and vibrating crickets. (I share the fun on Instagram).

For the first time in my life, I didn’t stick to my deadline. It felt like a luxury. I did look behind my shoulders and had a few nightmares about not being able to descend from a stack of tables I was standing on. I managed to climb down slowly.

It was uncomfortable but I came away with this: I get to make the rules. Having grown up in an oppressive culture and family, these words had never crossed my mind.

Do I trust that I will come back with zest and energy? Yeah. Does missing a planned deadline change my identity as a someone who values excellence? Definitely not.

While I champion others to have faith in themselves, I doubted myself in a flash. I took away the benefit of the doubt when I stopped performing. Does this happen to you? I think of how much we all have had to work through to function during the pandemic: we create miracles just by showing up. Every day.

Let’s be kind to ourselves and redefine hard work. Virgo energy is discerning and resourceful — reach within and reframe what hard work means. For me, I am placing the importance on how grounded I feel instead of how much I produce.

With the Stickler off my back, I might actually crank out programs. 😉


  • ‘Who’ makes the rules on how you live? What are you doing or being when this voice is in charge?
  • What saboteurs do you live with? From what do they protect you?
  • What would you like to say or do to the saboteurs when they show up? Creativity encouraged.

Book Suggestions

Atomic Habits by J. Clear. Speaking of Virgo, this is a simple, step-by-step primer on creating useful habits and breaking the bad ones. It resonates with my Virgo tendencies of orchestrating something I envision. “There is a version of every habit that can bring you joy and satisfaction. Find it. Habits need to be enjoyable if they are going to stick.”

I Can Do It by L. Hay. Affirmations from a beloved spiritual teacher and publisher. It’s very easy to read and always hits home, especially during doubting moments. This one expresses the Virgo sentiment: “I devote a portion of my time to helping others. It is good for my health.”

Staying Healthy with the Seasons by E. Haas, M.D. Integrating nutrition, exercise, brain, Eastern healing principles, this book contains practical ways to thrive with the cycles of nature. “We must take the time to check out inner senses to feel what is happening and incorporate this new information into our lives. When we stop growing, or we resist our changes, we are liable to get sick.”


A place to chat and interact real time! I created The Spirited FB group for the purpose of like-minded folks getting creative, playing big, and exploring the Self.

THRIVE Hour: Complimentary. Join fellow seekers, empaths first Sunday each month, 4p ET on personal growth topics. Mark your calendars — 2021 dates on Zoom, registration required:

Oct. 3: Self-Expression via Your Sun Sign

(links and descriptions available in next newsletters)

Nov. 7: Befriend Your Shadow

Dec. 5: Values: What is True for you?

Best wishes for the remaining Virgo season. Next up soon is Libra and the autumnal equinox, themes of balance, relationships, and social engagement. See you in the Circus or THRIVE Hour!



2 Responses

  1. Gail Storey says:

    Sue, this post is just what I needed, thank you! You express so well the importance of balance in taking care of what we need to do in the world while also taking care of ourselves. I recently read Jill Bolte Taylor’s new book, Whole Brain Living, and in the four inner “characters” she describes, I saw how overboard my highly functioning, sometimes over-achieving perfectionism can be and how a “team meeting” with my other three inner characters can help restore balance.

    • Sue Wang says:

      Dear Gail, Thanks for your resonance! As someone who has the perfectionist tendency (or inner committee), it’s super helpful to slow down and have a team meeting. I’ve started to say “OK, everybody relax.” to my inner team every morning. Oddly, it works 🙂 Love to you.

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