Play, Create, Shine: Leo

Play, Create, Shine: Leo

“What are you going to do with it?” My colleague asked when I told her I bought a tambourine for my birthday. It startled my enthusiasm. “Play it?” I quipped, “make noise?” Did I miss something?

“That’s a great idea for a Christmas present for my nephew,” She said.

I felt childish mentioning the tambourine. But the red lacquered rim in its product description revived the anticipation of fun in the mail. When it arrived, it didn’t disappoint.

Months later, when I learned that I passed the oral exam for coaching certification, the tambourine and I danced to the entire Purple Rain album. The joy and relief of completing a training that began almost 2 years ago radiated from me to the dense, warm air. Out on the deck, I grooved with daisies and trees. Leaves shimmied with the jingles on the drum — a happy resonance.

My inner child led the party.

The sign of Leo (7/22-8/22/21) represents creativity, play, and expression. We bathe in bright light of mid summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Ruled by the Sun, Leo energy is sovereign, regal, even dramatic. It is associated with the heart and will. This is a time to claim our being and shine.

I learned the hard way that burying one’s inner child contributed to illness, among other things. I had grown up in a culture of achieving and perfecting, and had gotten through some big challenges. But by my late 30s, I was unwell. I was sent to a hypnotherapist to calm my body — when she asked about the Little Sue, I grimaced, “I don’t want to go near her. She’s pathetic.” (This journey is chronicled in my memoir.)

The truth is, the more we connect with our inner child, the more aliveness and resilience we have. We need those now, more than ever.

Creativity is a stress buster. When was the last time you lost yourself in making something? What were you doing? What made it fun?

Here are some tips for play in our lives:

Commit to regular fun-making: at least once a day, especially at work, pick a favorite song on your phone, and walk outside or up and down the stairs. Snap your fingers to the beat. Doing this routinely will changes neural pathways in the brain and shift the all-work-no-play energy. If you know Reiki, feel free to send it or light to 1-3 chakras to promote moving the body.

Visualize, cultivate the intuition: In a quiet place, put on free meditation recordings from Insight Timer. Imagine traveling to a fun place in your mind, or go wild dreaming up a story about yourself. It is an excellent way to channel your innate creative energy. Call in light or Reiki to the third eye, an inch above the space between your eyes, to enhance the experience.

Connect with your inner child: Find a picture of yourself when you were young and say hello. Sit comfortably, envision a column of light going from the base of your spine to the center of the earth; ground yourself in Mother Earth’s love. Then, envelope your child self in warm, golden light or Reiki. Ask her what she loves to do and make time for that. Your inner child is the source of joy and sense of wonder. There is great return in investment when you cultivate the relationship with with her.

Write a note or draw a picture for your inner child: Squiggle with crayons/markers, pull out the calligraphy pens, or make graphics on Canva. Create a love note to your Little Me. What is a fun message for her?

Use YouTube videos to hold space: Listen to something chill like this while you work on an idea, a hobby or project. Music keeps me engaged in meditation, writing, even doing spreadsheets!


Start Where You Are: A Journal for Self-Exploration by M.L. Patel. Beautiful little workbook that inspires with colorful quotes, discovery questions, and spaces to draw — about you. For example, name one thing that you had created out of nothing.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by E. Gilbert. Just the book cover makes me sing. It’s a perspective of fiercely bringing ideas into form, while believing in the higher consciousness and staying present. “Your creative work is not your baby; if anything, you are its baby. Everything I have ever written has brought me into being.”

The Courage to be Creative: How to Believe in Yourself, Your Dreams and Ideas, and Your Creative Career Path by D. Virtue. Great instructions from a spiritual teacher during her hay day. “Be a prospector mining for diamonds within the field of your feelings. Each negative emotion is a jewel that will shine the light for others to heal.”

Recovery of Your Inner Child: The Highly Acclaimed Method for Liberating Your Inner Self by L. Capacchione. A classic on working with the inner child. It offers simple ways to connect, accept different aspects of our younger selves. “The spirit of the Creative Child knows no bounds. It can fly to the stars, it can plumb the depths of the human soul. It is fueled by an inexhaustible supply of enthusiasm and imagination.”

Gift yourself the connection to your magical child-self. The joy and freedom in play is an antidote to obligations and restrictions we face during this time. It is the fuel that helps us shine.


  • Please follow me on Instagram for short, upbeat videos like this. The Connect2Self Facebook page has timely musings. We can play there!
  • Reiki practitioners: Check out my new 8 Tips for Staying Energized during World Crisis on Reiki Rays community.
  • The Astrology for Self-Expression collaboration with my bud Tamra Stanish is postponed until September. Stay tuned.

Wish all a vibrant, heartful summer! Please share your fun plans.
