Positive Self-Talk and Abundance

Positive Self-Talk and Abundance

If you knew how to speak love, how would you speak it to yourself?

What do you tell yourself when you wake up in the morning? Are you happy to see you in the bathroom mirror?

I ask myself too. Nowadays yes, I enjoy seeing me and my smile, “Good job partying it up!” The mantra offsets my serious side and lifts my spirit.

Sounds cheesy but we need simple rituals to keep ourselves grounded and feeling appreciated. We are so busy and concerned about life that we forget to acknowledge the one person who is constantly in our lives: us.

I used to have trouble looking in the mirror and be positive about it. I’d gone from funky to sweats. I wore contact lenses and now glasses with thick lenses; I had thick, dark hair that reflected light. After turning 50, the hair steadily streaked with gray, the belly protruded, and a new layer of padding enveloped my body.

I’m well, though, and engaged with my inner and outer worlds. I’ll take that over vanity any day.

Love is a universal language. Let’s speak it to ourselves before we connect with others. There are different ways of expressing it. One way is to use the 5 Love Languages framework on how people give and receive love. Do this short quiz and see your top 2 love languages. (It asks what relationship you’d like to improve. In this case, it’s relationship with yourself.)

How I love is to express affirmation and spend quality time with people. I naturally do this in my work and personal life. When I see someone in need, I offer time/attention and pile on the affirmations. This is how I am, and I too appreciate receiving love this way.

Some people physically help out and give hugs, some bear gifts. What is your love language?

On May 20, the sun moved into Gemini, the changeable, air element that represents communication, thinking, learning, duality. Ruled by quicksilver Mercury, Gemini is of the mind and the shapeshifter. It’s an opportune time to tweak our self-talk and mindset.

Many of us grew up with challenging things said to us. Some examples from me, said by my beloved mother, who would do anything for her kids.

  • Why didn’t you get 100 on the test like Cousin Mei? (I got a 96)
  • Wear big glasses helps to cover your face.
  • When are you going to be normal? (I was 21)

Our parents or caretakers have a way of getting into our mind and body – their words can become beliefs, which gets carried out 95% of the day. It is helpful to acknowledge unkind statements from childhood and separate from them. The negative talks are another person’s opinion or projection on us when they feel uncomfortable.

The beliefs I made up as a child, from what my mother said:

  • I was a bad student and wasn’t worthy or perfect like my cousin
  • I was ugly and therefore should cover my face
  • I wasn’t normal. (Ok, this is true. It was the disapproval that had me disliking myself.)

Even though these beliefs don’t seem logical, emotionally they do. There is a small dot of truth that is ready to resonate with what’s happening externally when something hard occurs. These toxic beliefs live in the basement of our being, the very energy that wants to shine, love, and serve.

Also called the saboteurs, they are the “inner committee” that judges, controls, frets, and directs us to the old ways of being small, based on fear. Fighting them is futile and gives them way more power than deserved.

Let’s say we just note that they are there, nod a little, and move on.

What if you say something kind to yourself every day and night? That gives us control in an ever-changing world. The first step is to view ourselves as good enough because we are doing the best we can. Because we intent and try.

Alas, positive self-talk brings abundance. I’m often asked by clients how they can improve their financial well-being. What I learned from the spiritual guidance, coaching, astrology sessions is the key to shift into manifesting is seeing our gifts and vision for how we can contribute.

In Gemini fashion, what is impossible quickly becomes possible. After rediscovering ourselves or reframing how we see life – solutions or ideas pop up and resonate. We can’t wait to take next steps.

When we feel good about ourselves, we naturally help others feel good. Energetically this creates a flow of positivity and attracts opportunities. People can tell that we are coming from a light space and will want to work with that.

Suggestions for starting, ending the day by giving and receiving love, to ourselves:

  1. Discern your love languages with a quiz or brainstorm in your journal
  2. What 1 thing will you do for yourself to start the day? (i.e. Louise Hay’s I Can Do It book or app offers simple affirmations. If you value hugs, feel free to embrace yourself tightly and smile.)
  3. Purposefully regularly communicate lovingkindness for a family member, client, friend, or co-worker
  4. At bedtime, review your day and list 5 things you liked about yourself or something you did
  5. What is the mantra you will say to yourself each morning?

Please tell me how this goes for you. Comment to this post and we can create a self-love communication vortex!


Free THRIVE Hour: Positive Self-Talk and Abundance Sunday, June 12, 1pm ET Learn a process of self-listening to help you discern the mismatch between your intention for prosperity and sabotaging beliefs. If time allows, we’ll do a short meditation on the 6th chakra of mindset, beliefs, and intuition. Register at the link above and see you there!

Local Book Event: Inkberry Books, Niwot, CO Friday, June 24, 7pm MT Excited to do an in-person gig on my memoir, MESSAGES from the Black Recliner: A Memoir of Healing Body & Spirit. I’ll share new insight on mind-body healing and the writing process since I last spoke 6 years ago. Please join me.

Happy Memorial Day. Gratitude to those who fought selflessly to give.

Much love,
