Reflect, Cultivate a Resonant Life

Reflect, Cultivate a Resonant Life

Exactly a year ago, I boarded a 12-seater prop plane in New Hampshire to move back to Colorado. The size of the aircraft evoked some fear, that as a 3-year-old I had flown during a typhoon. I threw up amid the turbulence and nightmares of falling from the sky ensued.

I texted my Ma a picture of the tiny transport. She replied the plane was way smaller than the Boeing 727 that carried us to Hong Kong in 1969. Oh geez. I am a grown woman and I am still going to throw up on a short flight to Boston.

Once in the air, I looked for the non-existent air sick bag and tried to befriend the round, bright full moon in the darkened sky. I thanked her for appearing that evening. My friend Jill had likened the tiny whirling apparatus to a ‘flying car.’ Its tinny metal skin wrapped the passengers as its engine buzzed over lines of rush hour traffic below us. There wasn’t much between us and the luminous, copper-hued clouds.

With Luna as my buddy and the flying car metaphor, I had enough magic to get me to Boston Logan Airport for a jet to Denver. My stomach was fine enough to inhale a seafood dinner there.

And since then, I’ve many wins to celebrate and fails to learn from.

How about your in the last 12 months? I bet there are a lot to reflect upon. Your stories need to be heard. Life and the world keep going no matter what we do. I have busy clients who kept up with their kids’ schedules, volunteering, and their jobs. Despite intentions, they feel a bit remiss about life projects that are dear to them. And, there is always more to do.

Before doing the next thing, take time to acknowledge a milestone or challenges you’d overcome. It needn’t to be a fancy celebration. But a ritual, like a speech to yourself in the mirror, dance a small jig in your honor, or a treat at the local café. Better yet, share your accomplishment with a trusted person.

When we see ourselves, we are freer and stronger. This is healing.

We are heading toward the end of 2022 and the darker days are lovely for review and reflections. The leaves have fallen, the earth hardens. As a collective, we’ve been through an intense time like eclipses, world and local events with real implications for everyone.

We can compost the hardships, angst as nutrients for growth. Lessons inform and give insight. Our inner landscape becomes fertile ground. Let’s make good use of it. Be the gardener of our dreams.

To grow a seedling, we need water, soil, and light. Action is water for the seeds of intention we sow in the enriched soil. Our energy and spirit are the light.

The long search for a home and finally landing one had me wanting to optimize the chance to refresh my life. As we take up residence, intentions of coziness and efficiency, acknowledgement of both of our needs are integrated in setting up the place. A healthy plant, a music box with flying pigs bearing gifts (wink), and original art that reminds of abundance, are placed in the ‘wealth’ corner in our bedroom. Feng-Shui, like Reiki, is about intention and flow.

I even went out of my comfort zone to renew connections with ex neighbors – they didn’t know where we moved to. For someone who never dressed up for Halloween, I put on a bumble bee outfit, walked down 2 streets, and looked in on those who welcomed me with big smiles a year ago. My bee-ness amused them and they blessed me with candy.

Cultivating a resonant home life brings me peace and comfort, which fuels my energy to realize my mission. It takes more time and negotiations with a partner. Gone was the rushed, college student mentality of moving in with whatever we have and make do.

What resonates changes over time. This time I resisted doing things the old way. Because I want to live a different life.

The lunar eclipse of November 2022 asked us to release what no longer works, especially emotionally (sun in Scorpio), in service of peace, presence, stability (moon in Taurus) and freedom (Uranus conjoins moon). The effect of the eclipse can be a major aha, nothing is the same, and can last 6 months.

What do you want to happen in your life now and next year? What would be different?

How can you orchestrate the conditions for the best outcome? How will you tend your garden – intentions, actions, inspiration and energy?

Gift yourself the time and space to ponder the potentiality of your will, refresh your identity, and implement with fortitude. Feel free to comment on this post with your plan!

Attend CULTIVATE 2023, see below.


CULTIVATE 2023: Reflect, Orchestrate, Manifest Create a resonant life so you can be strong, present for people you love and serve. TWO 75-minute workshops – join me and liked-minded people to slow down, take stock, acknowledge your wins and fails in 2022, and discern your success factors. Explore spiritual guidance and support on increasing the chance of manifesting the Garden of Your Dreams. Content will be recorded. Sundays, Dec 4 & 11, 1pm ET/11am MT. $45 USD More Info

Inner Child Meditation Free 14 minute of relaxation, journey to the inner world, and self-love. Download here. Share your feedback on C2S FB or IG page.

5% Off Gratitude Sale Nov 16 – Dec 16, 2022 Just in time for the holidays and the new year! Gift yourself or others my 1:1 Coaching (minimum 6 sessions), Astrological Personality or Solar Return Readings, Reiki Visioning Healing sessions. 3 spaces available in each category, contact me to sign up.

Warmest wishes for a restful autumn and an American Thanksgiving that is full of love.

