Benefits of Ego Death: Liberation + Expansion

Benefits of Ego Death: Liberation + Expansion

[1.26.24] When I tapped on my phone to see the time, it was 5:04 am. The whole night I had been updating a website, and it was the 3rd all-nighter. Why the rush? Because I saw the light.

After an ego death.

Some of you know that I just integrated career coaching to Connect2Self. Because I believe in all-in, holistic soul expression of work. I will keep it at C2S. But the career-focused posts (Wholly Work newsletter), programs are going to

Two years ago, a dear friend C and her guides suggested adding another website so I can expand in both areas. My healing/inner child/astrology work has a small overlap with the career building crowd, and vice versa. (BTW, I love you, the ones who traverse these worlds like me).

I loathed the idea. For years, I fought for the chance to be holistic. I am a unified, 1-website person.

On New Year’s Eve, C and I channeled about 2024, she mentioned again the 2-website thing. I hated it. I told her I felt hurt when she encouraged its exploration. Then I had a bad headache. It was visceral.

Connect2Self is my soul signature and identity. It’s just that I enjoy career coaching and am good at it. There are many who need help due to layoffs, many who want to create a resonant worklife. I want to be out there with my expertise.

C backed off. I proceeded to post for both types of work on 1 site. The unease of speaking to either or neither audience crept in. I was holding back. The last straw was my posting a LinkedIn event on C2S.

It was no longer a purely healing, consciousness-expanding endeavor. This went against my values — I hit my limit.

A fundamental belief died. I can have 2 websites and both can glow in their essence. Once I realized this, I couldn’t wait to make them real.

I feel freer. Free to express myself in different ways.

The Takeaway

When we are attached to an idea or belief, we can be fanatic about how we live it out. People can advise, scold, or lovingly cajole us on the benefit of doing something new, but often it’s the experience of pain and dissonance that compel us to shift.

Given that this is the beginning of 2024, Pluto (death and rebirth) has just left Capricorn (established systems, judgment, -isms, earthly ambitions) after 16 years:

  1. Consider and celebrate your successes, accomplishments since 2008
  2. Discern how you’ve become more capable/powerful
  3. Release ingrained beliefs that no longer fit – what areas of your life needs purifying? Where is the pain?

Clean Up Time

From now -> Feb 9, 2024, new moon (sun+moon) in liberating, rebellious, innovative Aquarius. The energy supports clearing blocks, clutter, heavy Capricorn woes, and go lighter to the airy, detached, techie, high-minded Aquarius. Pluto is in this sign for the next 20 years!

Questions for You

  • What do you want to transform within and without in 2024?
  • How will you contribute to your community and humanity?
  • From my guides, 2024 is the Year of the Lightworkers, those who tirelessly elevate oneself/others without losing sight of the mission, while remaining pure in this intention. How will you take care of yourself differently?

You can mull this over. We just began the 20-year cycle with Pluto, and it’s early 2024. The upcoming Lunar New Year (Feb 9) is another mile marker for those of us who didn’t kick off Jan 1 like a light switch.

The key is to decide who you want to be and make it happen.

Much love and excitement for us,



Free THRIVE Hour  Sun, Feb 4, 1pm ET.The 3 New Years of 2024: Set, Go!

What do you want to start or change this year? Connect with others, say hello to 2024! I lol to myself, if I miss starting the year on 1/1, I can catch the others: Lunar Year of the Dragon, 2/10 (New moon) and Spring Equinox, 3/20. Register at link.


  • Have a bunch of projects you’d like to start but need prioritizing? How to Begin by a master coach is a concise, small book with big impact!
  • Be Water, My Friend: The Teachings of Bruce Lee It took a year to read and I need to re-read it. On being and living; being empty yet full of action.
  • Ok, I indulged in the dark of winter and read The Christie Affair – a superbly written and plotted novel about Agatha Christie’s 11-day disappearance (she claimed she couldn’t recall what happened).

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