Break Free & Evolve: Aquarius

Break Free & Evolve: Aquarius

low angle photography of two roseate spoonbill flying under the blue sky

[1.31.23] Have you ever found the need to break away from a collective identity? The sun is now in group-oriented, awakening, and rebel Aquarius. The new moon/lunar new year on the 22nd beckons to refresh our mindset. As we rock 2023, what do we need to free ourselves from?

A while ago I had a nightmare involving hiding a small child under me while gunmen searched for us at a mall. It startled me awake. I reflected: 1) the characters in the dream were parts of me, 2) the feeling of anxiety and annihilation was real, 3) the child represented my time.

There has been soul searching. I’d gotten a part-time gig through an old identity and it bit me in the butt. I have evolved and my energy is trapped like a genie in a bottle.

The Aquarius energy is about group affiliation, liberation, and individuation. We want to belong, yet we are unique. At some point, we break free and spread our wings.

I thank and release my 20+ year identity as a career educator in elite schools. I do more than career coaching now.

To gain support on forging a new path: discern your dreams and find ways to connect to your higher self. Use the distance Reiki symbol if you can. Ask: What is true about who I am and what I do, no matter where I came from?

More questions to consider:

  • How has your (work or life) identity evolved? Toward what direction would you like to go?
  • What is your higher self asking you to do?
  • What one word, song, image, or Reiki symbol can keep you going as you break free from the old?


Free THRIVE Hour Sunday, Feb 12, 1pm ET Connect to Joy Within Come relax, give yourself space to consider what makes you come alive and explore ways to connect to that, such as guided visualization. Register at the link above.

Spring Ahead with Your Sun Sign Save the Date, Sunday, Mar 19, 1 – 3:30pm ET The spring begins as the sun moves into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. How can you, in your unique POV, hone this initiating energy? Gear up to manifest and grow this spring and summer! More details to come.


My colleagues will share their practice, their why to inspire us on living a purposeful life. Look for future features! I’ll go first since I initiated. (lol moon in Aries)


Champion creative minds, empaths, seekers to find joy and live in their truth. Sun sign: Sagittarius

Aside from helping people, what keeps you inspired about your work?

My thirst for knowledge and insight about conscious living propels me to learn and relay what’s useful. I love creating programs and offerings that reflect this aspiration.

What makes your work/practice unique?

The connection with spiritual and healing guides, and a holistic approach to personal empowerment make my work unique. There is expansiveness in laughter, exploration, and sense-making.

What has been the biggest trade-off you made to do what you do?

When I wrote my memoir and became a Reiki teacher/astrologer, I felt a deep calling and commitment to it. My trade-off were career advancement in a traditional path and peace with my partner (ok now), to walk this path.

What key factor or belief helps you or your practice thrive?

Keep following intuitive guidance, doing what I love, and spreading light. At times, I get hijacked by old ways of ‘what’s worthy,’ which eventually reminds me to remember my why in all this.

Warmest wishes for your freedom and vision,
