Flip the Script: Orchestrate Your Shift Now

Flip the Script: Orchestrate Your Shift Now

[4.7.24] What’s going to be different this time?

I walked the labyrinth asking for insight about this eclipse season. If you are tired from doing the life wack-a-mole, you are not alone. The energy is strong and unrelenting (empaths beware). It is physically, emotionally, and spiritually taxing. Drink a lot of water, lay low, enjoy small treats, and get plenty of rest.

The intensity started with a full moon eclipse in balancing, socially oriented Libra on March 25, and climaxing on April 8, a total solar eclipse (new moon) in assertive, independent Aries. In the US, the symbol for the subconscious (moon) darkens the sky (sun/consciousness) for a few minutes, signifying the otherworldliness and potential revelation from the event.

Great opportunity for change in relationships and personal way of being. Still near the beginning of the astrological year, it is a portal for big shifts and aha’s.

The tone you set for this eclipse can last 6+ months. Some tips I got from walking the labyrinth:

  1. No more grudges. We all have experienced grievances done to us. Feel the wound, forgive, and stop holding someone else’s karma. Everyone is responsible for consequences of their actions. Holding others’s wrongs, however terrible, is not our job.
    • List the people, relationships that no longer serve you, burn/shred the list. Let their energy go. Repeat as needed. You’ll feel lighter.
  2. Shift your attention to who you want to be and what you will do from that POV. Michael Bungay Stanier’s How to Begin: Start Doing Something That Matter talks about 3 things that make an endeavor worthwhile ~
    1. Is it thrilling — makes you excited in theory and in reality?
    2. Is it important — gives more to the world than you take?
    3. Is it daunting — takes you to the edge and gives you the flutters?
  3. Plan your next 12 months. Come up with top 3-5 values or things you want to manifest. There are 5 heavenly bodies in Aries now supporting: actions to heal, love, earn, communicate, nurture, and express the self. The light side of Aries is courage, freedom, a pioneer spirit. At the last THRIVE hour, I asked people about their wildest dreams — what is yours?
    • What will you do differently to manifest your intentions this year?
  4. Have mercy on yourself and others. As we know, the world hasn’t been a cake walk. We keep going because we still love and believe in goodness. Especially at this time, self-care is not a luxury, it is needed to stay grounded and have clarity. From this stance, kindness for fellow travelers comes easier.
    • What will you do differently about giving to yourself?

We are here to walk each other home (per Ram Dass). Let’s hold space for one another’s individuality and expansion. Life is a journey inward and outward, like contemplating in the labyrinth. Our heavenly, natural world – as above, so below, urges us to evolve, however drastic.

Many blessings,



Free THRIVE Hour, Sunday, Apr 14, 1pm ET. Work Your Brand: Genuine Connect with Your Audience. Come play, set the tone and pitch for your venture this year. Have a practice or writing a book? How do you convey the energy of your project/practice, its benefits, and your back story, your why? There’s a parallel to the job searching coaching I do, and I am also researching the topic.

New Astro-Coaching Bundle. I’ve included AstroPsychology insight in coaching with great results. One 90-min session on your birth chart/inner dynamics/patterns and two 45-min on career or life coaching to kick off your pursuit of a worthy goal.


From Yasmin Boland, author of Moonology: Work the Magic of Lunar Cycles

This eclipse season, remember: To live the life you’ve never had, you must do things you’ve never done.