Our True Self & Values: Sagittarius

Our True Self & Values: Sagittarius

I slather foot cream on my hands, thinking is this for real? The dryness in the Rockies, cracks and sandpaper feel on my fingertips from packing and cleaning, calls for innovative measures.

I applied my THRIVE framework and made a big change. Two weeks ago, we began a swift move back to Colorado. An unplanned trip visiting family in late October sparked the journey. Our old town, sunny sky, and being near a beloved child resonated. The universe conspired with a plausible rental and my spouse is a DIYer who embraces a good challenge. Suddenly, it was a go. We acted upon our values: growth, sunshine, family, freedom, and connection. When the vision aligns with what feels true, the stress, lack of sleep, occasional spats, sore limbs to get here lands oddly okay.

I was blessed to experience Vermont’s beauty, clean air, and sparseness during a pandemic. This past summer, I decluttered and anticipated a compelling reason to shift. I am excited to begin my Colorado 2.0!

The sun is now in expansive, adventurous, truth-seeking sign of Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21). Of the fire element, this energy spreads with enthusiasm. We are at the cusp of a new year and it’s fitting to look within, discern who we really want to be, and act with zeal.

What do you truly care about? Taking stock is a simple yet vital way to find our footing. Are you content, feeling alive? What is important to you? What would it take for you to leap? During uncertain times, knowing our heart’s desire and working toward it keep us centered and motivated.

We all have roles in life that keep us busy with daily tasks. These can often take precedence over what makes our soul sing. Slow down and note: When our spirit is happy, wellness and abundance follow. Like a healthy tree to termites, our being becomes resistant to inner critics and saboteurs.

Get started on finding your joy center:

  1. Mediate, invoke Reiki (if possible), send love to the heart before you start
  2. List 5 things/values you want in life now
  3. Expand on each word 4 times – what do you really mean by it? For example, the value Family means Completion to me, then Safety > Comfort > Contentment
  4. How do you feel when you write and read these words?
  5. How will you incorporate them in your life?
  6. Name one risk you are willing to take in 2022 to manifest your values. Make it big.
  7. How do you want to be accountable to yourself for this shift?

What’s News

Coming SOON. Free THRIVE Hour on Your True Self and Fulfillment, Sunday, December 5, 4pm ET

Reiki friends: a big welcome and please share how you like the THRIVE mini-workbook. A workshop on developing a sustaining practice will be held on December 12.

2022 THRIVE Hours begins on Sunday, January 9, 4pm MT/6pm ET (note time change) Topic: Building a Career You Want

Warm wishes for the holiday season. May we be safe, happy, healthy, and live with ease.

